Wednesday, April 9, 2014

With GOD's help YOU will finish the race.

         GOD wants us to complete the race. HE has a plan and purpose for YOU, for everyone of us to complete. HE wants you to make the rest of your life the BEST of your LIFE.

       Today, allow me to share with you the story of a great person who showed great faith and commitment to serve GOD.

      To all my fellow graduating ALS learners, parents, teachers, honorable Dep-Ed and public officials,

           It is an honor and a privilege to share a testimony on this momentous event-graduation day.

          Although admittedly, I felt a little bit nervous, however I am emboldened thinking how greatly Indebted I am to ALS and to all the people behind it. Sharing this simple testimony as an expression of gratitude is the humblest thing that I could ever do.
          The first time I passed an ALS A&E test was for the elementary level given last Feb. 12, 2006. That’s more than eight years ago. I then enrolled in 1st year high school but the following year I didn’t finished my 2nd year, I quit in 2nd year high school. Last Oct. 13, 2013, I took again the ALS A&E test for the Secondary level and I was one of the blessed ones to pass that examination. Before these honorable and revered Dep’Ed officials, Heads and Instructional Managers, I stand to be corrected if I’m off to say this but I just love to express what’s in my heart towards ALS. “ALS” is my fostering mother, my ALMA MATER.  She had issued me Elementary and Secondary certificate and birthed me out to enter College life.
          I told my Dad just lately, “Dad”, God must have designed ALS for me!
                Ng dahil sa pag-ibig mo
                Kaya ako’y  naririto
Said the two last lines of the 2nd stanza of our graduation song “SALAMAT SA IYO”

          Actually I started my Kinder 1 in a private Christian School, along with my two elder sisters and an elder brother. Four of us in a private school, with an unpredictable economy, took my father and mother always on their knees.
          My father is a minister of the gospel pastoring an average number of believers, and my mother was behind my Dad.
           With the economy steadily falling down, affecting many family lives, with my elder sister and brother going up to college, our parents were obliged to transfer us to a public school.
           I was enrolled in grade five but due to some problems concerning the grading system of my previous school, I was advised to take the ALS examination for elementary level which by God’s grace I easily passed the examination.
          The school year 2005-2006 I was in first year high school.
          As I advanced in age and approached teenage life, I became troubled with fears about my future.
          In spite of the fact that I am a Pastor’s daughter, I lived and grew up in church atmosphere, but seeing all the widespread wrong practices and risky behaviors of minors; alcoholism, drugs, and unmarried pregnancies makes me fearful. Could I stand my ground? Was my constant question to myself.  It’s very easy to be influenced into harmful habits when young people are out on their own away from the watchful eyes of their parents.
           Pastor’s children are no excuse.
A hard and painful blow of trial in God’s wisdom was allowed to strike our family, and our church driving us all together to a great desperation.
           I abruptly decided, much to the dismay of my classmates and teachers to quit my studies which I said earlier. Nobody persuaded me. It was my own personal decision. Some despised my decision, others were sympathetic. Seeing my firm determination, not even my father attempted to dissuade me of my decision.
          The desperation lasted long and was deeply felt especially among our young people that many renewed their vows to God, repented of their hidden sins and confessed them publicly before the church.
           It was then that my other elder sister, Manang Sharon, my three cousins, Darling, Love2  and Mahal also gave up their studies in high school as well, at such young age as they were, Aged 12, 14, 16 respectively. I was 15 years old then.
           Dad had to go to SNHS to explain the matter, and their respective teachers said that they didn’t want to be rivals with God, that if serving God fulltime was the main reason then they’ll leave us alone and respect our decision.
          The following seven years find us always behind our Dad in his old car going around places with him in his bible studies and fellowship. We’ve experienced a lot of things, getting to know more about practical Christian living.
           I handled the Children’s ministry, teaching children bible stories and Christian values. We also formed the music ministry to support our Dad.
          Soon after I quit 2ND year high school, the Lord gave me a job at an Internet café Shop. I worked there for 3 years that’s when we came to know Sir Dave Cabungcag, who later became our ALS Instructor.
          Dad had a campus bible study at NONESCOST where Sir Dave was taking up education. Sir Dave was one of those we led to the Lord.
          When Sir Dave graduated and worked for ALS, I shifted work to a home based call center or “online job”. Our job is to advertise a certain company to improve its ranking in the website. Everything we said were scripted yet many times I got nervous because of my inadequacy in English. Our clients are mostly from the U.S.A with different American accents.
         While I was out of school and at work I did not wholly gave up the idea of pursuing back my studies. It was just the discouraging condition of my surrounding and my own insecurities that drove me to that decision.
Now having stayed long in God’s presence, I believed I am now better equipped with Gods armor to face again the evil of this world and be God’s effective witness for others and now certain that I could stand my ground.
         Sir Dave encouraged us to take the review and gave a try for the next ALS Examination. It was hard for me having to work all night long on my “online job” then take the review in the day time. However, I persevered and endured the difficulties, because I know this is the only way to redeem my lost time for almost 8 years. There is a saying “Time is gold” I know I did not lose that time for nothing. It was for a far-surpassing wealth than gold that I found. “Time is gold” but God is life…., Eternal Life.
         Over the past 7 years we majored on Religion, now God makes it easy for us on our minors. We just played, played music and sung to Him, now he awarded us a diploma.
         Oh no! Our Diploma didn’t come whirling down, from heaven. It came from Meralco, Avenue, Pasig City, from the Bureau of Alternative Learning System ( MY dear ALMA MATER ), the medium and channel of blessing and hope for the out-of-school……… like Me!

                                                                                      THANK YOU!!!

How do you personally express your unique devotion to Jesus? 

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